nawu´s Song

Wenn Reiten Ihr Hobby ist, dann wissen Sie selbst, wie schön dieser Sport ist. Körperliche Beanspruchung, das Zusammenspiel von Reiter und Pferd und nicht zuletzt die Natur, die einen umgibt, machen den besonderen Reiz des Reitsports aus.
Die Kärntner Regionen sind ein Paradies für Reiter und spezialisiert auf Reiturlaub für Erwachsene. Über 70 qualifizierte Reiter- und Ponyhöfe, Reiterhotels und Reitställe verwandeln den Urlaub eines jeden Liebhabers des Reitsports in ein wahres Erlebnis.
In Kärnten wartet ein gut ausgebautes Netz aus insgesamt rund 1.500 Kilometern markierten Reitwegen auf Sie. Die perfekten Voraussetzungen für abwechslungsreiche Touren in Ihrem Reiturlaub für Erwachsene!
Ihre Ausritte führen Sie vorbei an hohen Bergen, üppigen Blumenwiesen, grünen Wäldern und wunderschönen Tälern, vorbei an Seen und fröhlich plätschernden Bergflüssen. So herrlich können Reiterferien sein!
Your baby and their relatives celebrate this special occasion with a familial environment
We love to make your wishes come true
Menù, a la carte or buffet, we also provide our wine menù
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Celebrating your birthday is one of the most speial events of the year. It is even more fun partying together with family and friends. We are here for you and your personal wishes.
Menù, a la carte, wine menù, cocktails and much more
Do you wish for musical accompaniment? Our contacts will make it possible.
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Every company is different. Tell us your individual wishes!
Menù, a la carte, wine menù, cocktails…everything is possible
Do you wish for musical accompaniment? Our contacts will make it possible
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Your confirmand and relatives celebrate this unique feast in a familial environment
We love to make your wishes come true
Menù, a la carte or buffet, we also provide our wine menù
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Your wedding must be perfect, because it has to be your happiest day in your life!
We stand by your side and support you to make your wishes come true
Menù, a la carte or buffet
Do you wish for musical accompaniment? Our contacts will make it possible.
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Communicate your wishes with us, we would love to make them come true
An enclosed, separate room is available
Enough room for group work is available
Menù, a la carte or buffet
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Let´s sit together, chat and have a great time!
It has been a long time, but now we can sit together again and talk
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Togetherness mothers´ day, fathers´ day, wedding anniversary or a day that´s important just for you
We held you make your wishes come true
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Child care and kids´ program possible
Nawu, the mascot will say hello
Magic tricks
Face painting
Children disco
You can also spend the night in our apartments
We well help you to sort out your mind and create projects
We provide our network for you
You can also spend the night in our apartments
Ihr habt Ideen die Ihr bei uns umsetzen möchtet?
Wir helfen gern beim Gedanken sortieren und Zukunftsideen entwickeln
Unser Netzwerk stellen wir gern zur Verfügung
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Betreutes Kinderprogramm möglich
nawu, das Hausmaskottchen, kommt vorbei
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Zweisamkeit, Muttertag, Vatertag, Hochzeitstag oder ein Tag der nur Dir wichtig ist
Wir helfen dir deine Wünsche umzusetzen
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Lasst uns wieder zusammensitzen, plaudern und uns austauschen.
Früher war mal, jetzt wird wieder Gasthaus gesessen und geratscht
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Eure Wünsche besprecht ihr gern mit uns und wir werden sie umsetzen.
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Ein abgeschlossener/separater Raum ist vorhanden
Sitzkreise für Gruppenarbeiten sind möglich (Platz ausreichend vorhanden)
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Jede Familie ist anders. Wir helfen euch alle zusammenzubringen und euch in dieser wundervollen Zeit zu begleiten. Besprecht eure Wünsche mit uns
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung ist möglich
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Musikalische Begleitung gewünscht? Profitiert von unseren Kontakten oder setzt eure eigenen Vorstellungen um
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Eure Hochzeit muss die Beste werden, denn es ist der Tag der für Euch beide ein ganz besonders glücklicher sein soll.
Wir stehen euch mit Tat und Rat zur Seite um eure Wünsche umzusetzen.
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet.
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Musikalische Begleitung gewünscht? Profitiert von unseren Kontakten oder setzt eure eigenen Vorstellungen um
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Euer Konfirmand und seine Angehörigen feiern dieses besondere Fest in familiärer Umgebung.
Wir setzen gern eure Wünsche um.
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung ist möglich
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Euer Firmling und seine Angehörigen feiern dieses besondere Fest in familiärer Umgebung.
Wir setzen gern eure Wünsche um.
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung ist möglich
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Eure Wünsche besprecht ihr gern mit uns. Jede Firma hat ganz eigene Vorstellungen
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung, Cocktails…alles ist möglich
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Musikalische Begleitung gewünscht? Profitiert von unseren Kontakten oder setzt eure eigenen Vorstellungen um.
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Geburtstage feiern ist eines der schönsten Ereignisse im Jahr. Gemeinsam mit der Familie oder Freunden macht es nochmal so viel Spaß. Wir sind für euch und eure Wünsche da.
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung, Cocktails usw.
Musikalische Begleitung gewünscht? Profitiert von unseren Kontakten oder setzt eure eigenen Vorstellungen um.
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
Euer Baby und seine Angehörigen feiern dieses besondere Fest in familiärer Umgebung.
Wir setzen gern eure Wünsche um.
Menü, a la carte oder Buffet, Weinbegleitung bei Bedarf
Eine Tafel und Sitzgruppen sind möglich
Übernachtung in den nawu apartments auf Anfrage möglich
nawu swimming school
Bathing fun in crystal-clear lakes
Swimming, diving, splashing around and having fun in this wonderful element of water is probably one of our favourite pastimes. And being able to do it safely, and being near water as a family without having to worry is really important. So what could be better than doing this in a relaxed holiday setting?
At nawu apartments, children from around three and a half can learn how to swim from certified and very experienced swimming teachers. Our success rate is unparalleled.
3 sessions, 50 minutes each | € 124,-{full course) |
2 sessions, 50 minutes each | € 89,- |
1 session, 50 minutes | € 45,- |
You get generous nawu discounts with the ‘Family/baby/toddler special/swimming school weeks’ offer:
50% discount when booking the full course (3 units)
40% discount when booking 2 sessions
30% discount when booking 1 session
Outside of these offer periods, we offer private lessons based on availability.
Swimming coach: €29 (as of September 2022)
More information
Local tax:
> €2.70 per person per night, ages 16 and over
> €13 per night (food not included)
€15 per person per stay if you bring your own bed linen and towels with you. Please let us know when you make your reservation; otherwise, the beds will be made and one hand and bath towel provided per person Set of bed linen and towels available on site for €19 per set
Crockery, cutlery and glasses washed and rubbish removed on departure:
€15 for apartment categories 2–3
€20 for apartment categories 4–5
Regular guest discount:
Other discounts:
Apartment categories:
nawu’s Restaurant – Praktisch. bequem und fein
nawu’s Restaurant – Praktisch. bequem und fein
Direkt im nawu apartments ein Restaurant zu haben ist schon komfortabel. Noch dazu ein so Gutes. Die Aussicht beim Dinner – herrlich. Die Auswahl der Gerichte und Speisen ist wohl durchdacht. Vom einfachen und köstlichen Snack, über heimische Spezialitäten bis zum Verwöhn-Dinner auf höchstem Niveau überrascht nawu’s Restaurant eure Gaumen. Kaffee, Kuchen- und Eisspezialitäten runden das köstliche Angebot ab. Auch Allergien und bestimmte Nahrungsunverträglichkeiten trüben das lukullische Vergnügen nicht. Die Zutaten für die Gaumenfreuden finden wir größten Teils bei heimischen Produzenten. Gepflegter, freundlicher und guter Service machen den Besuch zu einem Urlaubsgenuss.
nawu’ s Hofladen
nawu’ s Hofladen
nawu’s Hofladen ist nicht einfach nur ein Geschäft. Wie nawu apartments selbst steht es für das kleine bisschen mehr”. Man findet dort Mitbringsel und Souveniers. Heimische Spezialitäten von handverlesenen Produzenten. Ideen und Produkte für die eigenen Küchenkreationen. Nützliche Dinge für den täglichen Bedarf und bestimmt auch ein nettes Lächeln. Großzügig die Öffnungszeiten. Auch wenn es nicht immer „Tante Emma” ist, so kann man rund um die Uhr per Selbstbedienung und Abrechnung seine Zeit für den Einkauf finden.
Holiday enjoyment across the borders
Holiday enjoyment across the borders
At nawu apartments, we are very fortunate to be at the very southern point of Austria – and thus in the border triangle. Both Slovenia and Italy are within reach – really! And believe us, that really extends your trip and adventure radius many times over!
There is so much to experience in Friuli alone – which is very close by (you can almost see it from our sun terrace)! A gondola ride up Monte Lussari, for example. A day trip to the sea if you like – a day trip to Venice, even! The incredible turquoise-green lake of Laghi di Fusine, just across the Italian border with its leisurely circular hiking trail. In winter, fantastic cross-country ski runs in the Saisera Valley appeal, with an impressive view of the Julian Alps. Ski touring routes and more – and even more still! Northern Italy is a leisure paradise, and it’s really very close.
And we have a lot of great tips for trips in Slovenia too. Ljubljana, of course, with its pretty old town and zoo, is really worth a visit. On the way is Bled, famous for its lake and cream cakes. Athletes train for competitions in both summer and winter at the Nordic Training Centre in Planica, near Kranjska Gora. And if you love waterfalls, you have to go to Slovenia! Whether you visit Pericnik, Virije or Boka Slap (Slovenian for waterfall), each one is very different and they are all very much worth seeing. Definitely recommended!
Amazing trips for big and small
This is just a small list – the options in the Nassfeld-Hermagor-Presseggersee natural landscape and in all of Carinthia are so varied that you’re sure to find the right experience and adventure for you!
Travel all around the world at Minimundus miniature park at Lake Wörthersee
Golf with a view
Carinthia is a place for golf lovers. 10 golf courses nestled in a beautiful landscape – some by the lake, some in the mountains. Whether it’s flat or challenging, everyone can find their happy place here.
nawu apartments is a founding company of Nassfeld Golf golf course, and our guests enjoy a wide range of benefits because of this. Surrounded by the fantastic mountain panorama and the soft green of the surrounding meadows, the 18-hole golf course stretches over 70 hectares in total. Perfect fairways, an island green for a challenge, a sun terrace to relax in – you can enjoy a nice game just 7 km from the apartments here!
Including our Nassfeld Golf, you can reach eight golf courses within a radius of just 45 minutes – one of them just across the Italian border near Tarvisio. Southern joie de vivre paired with the sporty nature of golf will slowly increase your success rate.
7 fantastic golf courses nearby
Cycling – from leisurely to sporty
Cycling – from leisurely to sporty
Mountains, pastures, the wide, spacious Gailtal Valley and its lakes – a great combination that will make every active cyclist happy.
But what makes the Gailtal Valley very special is the well-constructed and romantic bike path that meanders through the valley and along the river, stopping at natural sites now and again – whether you’re travelling as a couple or with children, it’s without a doubt a special highlight.
The beauty of mountain biking in the Gailtal Valley is the rare opportunity to bike away from the crowds, getting on your bike right at nawu apartments and exploring untouched landscapes. Opposite Nassfeld, there are sporty single trails, well-signposted and well-constructed mountain bike trails, lifts to transport the bike, downhill trails, a mountain bike school, specialist workshops and bike shops. Professional guided tours and insider tour tips are part and parcel, of course.
>> Go to BIKEworld of Mountains & Lakes/Nassfeld
Racing cyclists love the uncrowded country roads and incredible Alpine passes right on our doorstep. Which, by the way, are always part of the Giro d’Italia route.
A well-stocked bike rental shop can be found locally, or you can leave your own bike in the locked garage at nawu apartments. Tools for any repairs and a washing area are available free of charge.
Bathing fun in crystal-clear lakes
The countless Carinthian bathing lakes of drinking water quality offer the best bathing enjoyment. Refreshing activities like swimming, paddling, rafting and rowing lie in store for you.
Lake Pressegger See – undoubtedly one of the warmest bathing lakes in Austria – is just a 10-minute drive from nawu apartments. You can use the + Card to gain access to the lido and playgrounds every day for all age groups.
You can find plenty of nature and crystal clear water at Naturpark Weissensee nature park. Just around 25 km to get to this natural gem. Hiking on in Naggler Alm or on the east bank, swimming, a boat trip. All is right with the world here. Enchanting, grounding, enjoyable and calm.
Probably the most famous Carinthian lake – Lake Wörthersee – with its hotspot of Velden invites you to swim, shop and enjoy. A boat trip on an electric boat or a Lake Wörthersee boat trip – simply wonderful.
Summit joy for mountain beginners and alpine professionals
It’s all here. The untouched mountain pastures, with huts that couldn’t be more rustic, and deserted paths in the border area of Carinthia and Friuli/Venezia Giulia. You’ll be impressed by the opportunities to roam around in nature far away from civilisation. There’s so much to do: from perfectly-made hiking trails to family-friendly walking trails – entertaining with playgrounds – classic via ferratas, sport via ferratas of all levels of difficulty and breathtaking ravines and gorges.
Good thing you’re holidaying with nawu. You can get valuable insider tips from us.
Winter hiking, with and without snowshoes
Walk around in the quiet snow. Immerse yourself in the winter forest, follow animal tracks and listen – what is the wind saying? Pause – linger a while. Take a deep breath. Breathe in this good, fresh air – this is how you recharge your batteries.
We groom winter hiking and walking trails that start at nawu. Or you can go your own way. Immerse yourself in this white winter wonderland right from nawu. Or sit perched high in the Alps on the snowy summit. It’s your winter – your nawu winter. You can get good tips right from us. Snowshoe rentals are available locally.
Ice skating – Skating
Lake Weissensee: ‘the biggest natural ice surface in Europe’ – is just around the corner! The Ice Master, a legend. It has already been used as an ice surface for James Bond films. A true master of its trade. And we benefit from this skill. Marathon-length lanes are drawn into the lake. It is not uncommon for ice to form. Transparent ice, with even more crystal clear water below. A natural spectacle par excellence – nawu through and through!
In addition to the ice rinks, there are also groomed walking paths. Horse-drawn sleighs are even out on the ice surface, which is one metre thick.
There are also wonderful tracks for this fairytale winter fun on the nearby Lake Pressegger See. Ice skate rental available on site. Mulled wine too, usually.
Tobogganing and sledging
A truly wonderful winter activity. There’s a snow-covered toboggan slope right at nawu. The winter hiking trails from nawu’s doorstep often allow you to explore the area. You can ride bobsleighs on the surrounding slopes as they are made for deep snow. There are a number of groomed toboggan runs in our winter paradise.
If you don’t have your own fun mode of transport with you, there are rental points on site. We also have a varied range of sleds, bobs and slides for our guests at nawu apartments.
Ski tours
Trendy – Breathtaking – Sporty
The Gailtal Valley is perfect for inspiring movement in the snow:
Because of the perfect opportunities for beginners
Because you can also be sporty and walk uphill right on the edges of pistes
Because you can find easy AND challenging tours
Because you experience routes in untouched, deserted nature
Because we have all of the information and insider tips at the ready
Because you can borrow equipment on site
Ski touring and nawu goes hand in hand.
If you’ve always wanted to try it. Do it here. Do it at nawu and experience your own natural wonders.
Cross-country skiing and biathlon
The ways in which you can celebrate this traditional winter paradise around nawu apartments are almost endless. In the Gailtal Valley, Gitschtal Valley and Lesachtal Valley, there are over 100 km of groomed cross-country ski runs and skating trails.
Alpine and high-alpine trails are groomed through the middle of the mountain landscape in Nassfeld. Or you can simply strap on your skis at our front door and hike through the surroundings, making your own tracks.
Fancy a go at a biathlon? The ‘Nordic Competence Center’ at the valley station offers the perfect opportunity to do so. Modern, with laser guns – pure excitement.
Equipment rental, service and sports shop all on site.
Skiing, snowboarding and freeriding in Nassfeld and the surrounding area
Over 110 km of pistes
More than 30 cable cars
Floodlit pistes
Snow cross parks and snowboard areas
Half pipes, quarter pipes and high jumps
Pistes for beginners and experts
8 km long valley run
Lots of safe deep snow and ungroomed slopes
Freeride areas
Guaranteed snow until the end of April
The most hours of sunshine in Austria
Quaint huts and restaurants and cool sun terraces
The wide topography means that the risk of avalanches is manageable and so perfect for freeriding
Access to the ski area starts on nawu’s doorstep. Conveniently get to the Millenium Express gondola lift either on the public ski bus, or by car – it’s only approximately 4 km away. There are plenty of free parking spaces at the valley station. There you will also find a rental station, ski school, sports shop and ski service.
You can buy discounted ski passes at the nawu apartments reception. This saves you from having to queue at the lift pass office. As our guest, you also get discounts on the ski school and the rental and ski service. A tip from us: there is a good ski service on the mountain that will get your equipment into tip-top shape in no time.
nawu apartments have a heated ski room with a ski boot dryer for you. There are however also lockers right in the ski area, allowing you to save your feet and travel very comfortably between nawu and the piste.